The Pierce Family. (left to right) Doug Pierce, Madison, Marcia, and Dunedin.
Our History…
Back in 2008 Doug Pierce stepped out from his full-time job to follow God, choosing to become a Full-time Missionary. Doug knew God had been calling him into Full-time missions but he had no idea what it was going to look like. With a wife, a house, and a future ahead of him, he decided to step out and take the chance of a lifetime. He had spent time in many different countries and even worked in a local churches for a few years serving as a youth pastor, but He felt Gods call to something different than hat he had seen. His mission started back in those days by simply waking up, and spending time asking God what his mission was for that day. Throughout the next 8 years he spent time following Gods leading on how to serve God himself, his family, and his community. He did this through the many skills, and passions he had picked up throughout his life. To name a few landscaping, tree cutting, construction, skateboarding, surfing, and most sports became his way of connecting and reaching others for the kingdom. And in 2016 God made it clear that He and his family (Wife Marcia, and two children, Madison, and Dunedin) should go on mission together. They began to pray about what this would look like for them, and God began to speak.
“What He was saying was pretty simple… There were many things facing us but we both decided to obey Him by giving up careers, salaries, and any future in those companies. In 2016, we found a missions school and program and joined it in January 2017. We weren’t sure what it was going to look like, but trusted God would lead and provide for us. We went to Colorado for the 3-month training program, then went internationally to China and Thailand for the remaining 3 months of the missions school and program.”
“Not long after returning from the missions school and program, we knew that all the things Doug had done his whole life like skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding, could become the ways God wanted to use him to reach his home community. So in 2018, the organization Veritas Shapes Ministries officially became a 501(c)3 non-profit.”
So let your light shine before others!
We are blown away at how the Lord is working through this ministry and continuing to grow and bless it. Through our Summer Surf Camps, snowboarding trips, skate lessons, Bible studies, and game/hangout nights, we continue to see people impacted by the love of God and His Gospel.
SINCE 2017, WE HAVE TRAVELED TO OVER 6 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, taken over 1500 kids surfing, had over 200 kids come through our home, and hundreds through the hub. we have continued to shine our light through action sports in Brunswick, Georgia.
We can’t thank you all enough for believing in the work that we are leading and for investing your time, prayer, and resources into the advancement of the Gospel through VSM. We continue to ask the Lord that He lead, guide, and direct the decisions we make and the direction we go. He has been so faithful since the beginning and we fully trust and believe He will continue to be faithful. It is an honor and blessing to be leading this ministry.