

School Of Foundation & Identity


How it all began…

  • Doug Pierce (Founder of VSM) had dreamed of providing a School for those who truly desired to grow in their relationship, knowlegde, and posture towards GOD. So when Noah and Mason began asking for the opportunity to do just that, it was the catalyist to begin a new season for VSM. That year, 2019, The first VSM School of Foundation and Identity began.

  • Pioneering the way, all 3 students showed up Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm, to learn more about Who GOD is, Who they are, and What it looks like to walk that out. Over the next few months, the students got to experience, learn, and grow in their knowledge of GOD. Through Holy Spirit guiding the staff within VSM, each student got to grow spiritually in ways they never imagined were possible!

  • Now having run the S.O.F.I four times and seeing 10 students graduate, we are excited to share their stories and set out the opportunity for others to come find victory through VSM School Of Foundation & Identity

Are you interested?

  • If you are interested in the School Of Foundation & Identity, and experiencing it for yourself… Click the button below for more information about the School. We are excited to champion you in your destiny in Christ!