A connection HUB for a generation needing to:

Connect with Godly People.

Connect with Their Passions.

Connect with God.

Located in Glynn County and the Golden Isles.

Reaching the World. 


“A connecting “hub” for those needing to connect.”

Brunswick, Georgia and the Golden Isles

December 1, 2021

(Beginning Business/Ministry Plan)

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:9 English Standard Version (ESV)

Trust is the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

and He will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 English Standard Version (ESV)


Front – VSM – The HUB

A connection HUB for those needing to connect.

Brunswick, GA and the Golden Isles

Our Mission Statement………………………………………………………………….Page 4

Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………….Page 5

Focus and Functions of The Hub ……………………………………………………….Page 7

Needs for The Hub ………………………………………………..................................Page 8

A Testimony ……………………………………………………………………………Page 9

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………...Page 11

A Glimpse through Pictures …………………………………………………………….Page 12

Our Mission Statement

The mission of VSM is to introduce youth and young adults to a hope-filled lifestyle alternative.  Our vision is to accomplish this through relationships established during practical opportunities of engagement in action sports. 

Executive Summary

Veritas Shapes Ministry (VSM) has worked extensively and successfully with young people for the past 5 years by providing training in action sports, counseling, and supportive relationships to improve lifestyle outcomes among this population. While experiencing success, our efforts have been restricted due to the absence of a designated facility. VSM is seeking start-up funding for a centralized facility - The HUB. Our mission is to engage local youth and young adults in action sports and subsequent connective activities to produce positive life outcomes such as:

  1. Increased physical activity 

  2. Reduced hours of daily screen time 

  3. Reduced levels of stress 

  4. Increased sense of purpose 

  5. Increased sense of belonging 

  6. Elevated awareness of personal value and identity 

Planned Intervention: The HUB - a 6,000+ square foot facility for youth between the ages of 16 and 26 to connect for physical, social and spiritual activities.

The vision for The HUB, is to obtain a permanent building with adequate space to provide: 

          - indoor skate ramps/rails and other related practice features 

          - designated woodworking space and surfboard creation area

          - small kitchen/snack bar and parts & assistance area 

          - office space/meeting areas 

          - garage for lawn care maintenance/storage 

          - space for maintenance and storage of surf camp trailer & equipment  

Start-up funding is sought to acquire and “build out” a suitable facility to establish The HUB. This will include the initial acquisition of furniture, supplies, equipment and utilities for the first year of operation. During the first 6 months, the activities will be gradually introduced and constantly monitored and improved to attain maximum utilization and outcomes.

Continuation funding will be obtained by:

- Sales generated by The HUB - Concessions, Surfboards, Skateboard parts                                - Special event fees                                                                                                                    - Organizational support

- Individual contributions
- Grants 

It is anticipated that during the first year The HUB will be able to effectively impact the health and well-being of approximately 150 young people who are often considered “unreachable” by traditional organizations’ typical outreach activities. Our approach has been effective, and with proper facilities/funding we expect the impact to increase.

Overview of VSM - The HUB

We all need a place with whom to connect.  We all need people to connect with.  Today, screens are considered to be the place where most people find themselves connected to the outside world.  VSM staff and partners believe that this isn't adequate.  Screens are missing "the mark", and in fact, based on our experiences, are actually increasing the disconnection.

 Most people consider reaching or connecting with today's youth and young adults to be a challenge.  At VSM we believe that we have been given a huge opportunity to expand and maximize our outreach and impact through our demonstrated successful ministry!

 In the past decade, American’s have witnessed several disturbing trends that threaten the future for this young generation. There has been an increase in teen suicide of 150 % since the introduction of social media and other applications, as well as an increase of teenagers being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety and stress disorders.  

At the same time there has been a decrease in physical activity, as well as the overall health and mental wellness of individual youth and young adults.

 Our desire at The HUB is to  intervene and effectively turn the tide on these rising trends.   We believe we have a plan and a model that could impact the lives of many in our community

 We desire to create a place to give the youth of our community opportunities to participate in physical activities, learn new skills, and build new confidence. We want to give them a sense of purpose through the different activities we will offer while providing them an environment that will encourage and build up their identity.  Our passion is for them to see and accept the value they have as the future leaders in their own lives and their community.

 Studies show that physical activities can be used to treat moderate depression and are often as effective as antidepressant medication, but without typical side effects. Physical activity is also a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension, boosts physical and mental energy and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins.  It is also one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory and mood.  Continued physical activity has also been shown to effectively prevent relapses.

 We believe that through our efforts, we can provide a healthy alternative for young people dealing with suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, stress, anger, and ADD/ADHD. We want to reduce or eliminate the number of teens who are committing suicide and lower the number of teens that are choosing drugs and alcohol and other addictive substances/behaviors as an outlet for the challenges in their life.  We also desire to reach youth and young adults before they make choices that put them in jail or prison or affect their future in other ways.  We will encourage the to move away from addictions and towards education and a lifestyle of purpose and value.

 A second critical statistic shows that out of every 100 youth who grow up attending a local church ministry on a weekly basis, between 75 and 92 of them will leave the local church community between the ages of 18 and 25 and will not return. This is a heart-breaking statistic. 

 In addition to sports and craftsmanship activities, the HUB will also offer opportunities for youth to connect through service and discipleship as as through Evangalistic efforts.whether through service or through discipleship, or through Christian or Evangelistic efforts. We will use these points of connection so that we can share the love of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, the call to be in an eternal relationship with God, and to become an active member of the Body of Christ locally and throughout the world.

 We believe that all young people are highly valuable in the eyes of God and worthy of our greatest efforts to meet them where they are.  Our passion is to help them find the Way, the Truth, and the Life that God desires for them.


Online Article:

Study: More churches closing than opening


Study: Health Benefits of physical activity


About VSM

Veritas Shapes Ministries (VSM) is a Christ-centered organization that has been in operation for the sole purpose of reaching unserved young people with the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  VSM focuses on reaching the large number of youth who are and will possibly remain outside of the traditional structures of churches and denominations.  Most of these individuals have never considered the possibility that God loves them and has included them in His plan of salvation, hope and eternal life!  We strive to continually focus on creating opportunities to reach these individuals - particularly youth and young adults - by establishing relationships that allow us to sow the good news and hope of the Gospel.  We do this through action sports, Particularly  skateboarding, surfing, snow skiing, and snow-boarding.

VSM became a 501(c)3 organization in April of 2018 and continues to function as such.    

Our Mission Statement:  VSM's mission is to reach unchurched/unserved young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ through action sports, and to introduce and disciple them into a committed relationship that fills their lives with hope and promise.

VSM has a small Board of Directors, currently 4 full-time staff, and several volunteers.  Staff includes VSM co-founders,  Doug and Marcia Pierce.  As founder and Director, Doug’s responsibilities include: long-range planning, day-to-day operations, outreach, and fund-raising.  Marcia is responsible for administration and fiscal management, special events organization and preparation, specific outreach interactions and communication efforts.  Additionally, Noah Johnson and Mason Schneider provide extensive support for both Doug and Marcia, and specifically labor to provide targeted outreach and follow-up with young people.  They are prominent support staff in all action sports activities, electronic/graphic documentation, and engaging communication during events and follow-up.

Since our beginnings, VSM has been ministering to young adults and teenagers in our community, as well as nationwide and overseas.  International outreach has included trips to: Peru, Poland, Haiti, Columbia, and _____.  

We reach our local target group through a variety of venues and programs.  The following is a list of some of these ministry outreaches:

      >   Surf camps,

     >   Skateboarding instructions/coaching,

     >   Snow-skiing/boarding trips,

     >   Lawn care for widows, veterans, and single moms,

     >   Various service projects,

     >   Short-term mission trips,

     >   Game Nights, Weekly Bible studies, and

     >   Discipleship and mentorship.

Currently, one of our most visible outreach aspects is Summer Surf Camps. The following is a quick snapshot of our growing impact outreach through our VSM Surf Camp ministry:

     >   2018 - over 80 youth participants between ages 7-18,

     >   2019 - 115 participants,

     >   2020 - 147 participants, and

     >   2021 - 350+ participants.

After 2020, with concentrated efforts in identifying ways to improve our services, and then an effective capital campaign to raise necessary support  to acquire essential tools, our surf camp participation grew tremendously!  It more than doubled!

While we know our success is not based on numbers, we recognize that by reaching out to increasing numbers of individuals, we are throwing a broader net to share the gospel and impact lonely, depressed, or any young person unaware of God’s great love for them.

VSM uses all of the action sports mentioned as a connection point to engage young people.  Our encouraging and supportive involvement in these sports allows us to establish relationships with participants.  As our relationships grow, we soon find favor with the participants, and invite them to small group game nights that include Bible Studies and discussions.  Our intention is to provide them with a safe environment for discussion and reflection on issues of concern. As a Christ-centered organization, our experiences consistently demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the answer!  Our goal is to share that message with participants through our actions, interactions, conversations, environment and attitudes.

The Focus of The HUB

The HUB has a multi-level focus. 

  • Spiritual focus (primary purpose) – host Bible study, weekly events focused on building up community, outreach events (cast a net), place to coordinate events, coordinate global missions, teaching/training, discipleship, praise gatherings, Saturday schools (monthly/quarterly), VSM SOFI, internships, etc.

  • Physical focus – place to make surfboards, teach surfing/skateboarding, raise support for the Ministry through sales, build small wood furniture/objects, coordinate activities, store equipment.

The primary age range of focus for most functions of The HUB

  • The HUB is for youth and young adults 16 years of age and older.  (This will be evaluated and addressed periodically.)

The primary functions of The HUB

  • The HUB will execute a list of weekly, monthly and annual functions (listed under “types of ministries”) that will provide outreach and connection with the local community of both Christians and Non-Christians alike. 

Needs for The HUB

   The needs for the HUB

                  > A facility that provides: 

  • Area for skateboard ramps,

  • Bays for shaping surfboards, 

  • Woodworking space and tools,

  • Area to store and shape surfboards,

  • Place to have large groups of people meet together, and

  • Small kitchenette.

  • Finances to acquire and build out The HUB.

  • Finances to continue operations and expansion as growth takes place.

Types of Ministries



Weekly ministries consist of planned and scheduled events held on a weekly basis.  These programs will be held consistently and evaluated on a 6-month cycle for effectiveness.  These events include, but are not limited to:

     *   Afterschool Programs,

     *   Nightly scheduled events,

     *   Bible Studies and Small Group Ministries,

     *   Surfboard shaping,

     *   Woodworking projects,

     *   Skateboarding Clinics,

     *   Service opportunities - lawn care for widows, seniors, veterans, single mothers, and

     *   Connecting through relationships built in the community and local organizations.



Monthly events will be planned and scheduled on a month-to-month basis and will be executed on site as well as at other locations.  These events will be used to reach out to people that are not currently in The HUB network as well as to deepen the relationships already connected through The HUB.  These events include, but are not limited to:

      *   Hosting Events - one-time planned and scheduled events executed on site,

      *   Travel Events - one-time planned and scheduled events off site, and

      *   Service Projects - projects that connect with local community and needs. 




Several VSM ministries are planned and scheduled as reoccurring on an annual (usually seasonal) basis.  Examples of annual ministries include but are not limited to:

      *   Short term mission trips (global and domestic)

      *   VSM Surf Camps (summer)

      *   VSM Skate Camps

      *   Skate Contest Series

      *   VSM Ski Trips (winter)

      *   Conferences

      *   Other



VSM will continue to provide outreach through offering services through action sports as requests are received.

      *   Afterschool Programming,

      *   Scheduled special events, and

      *   Discipleship/mentoring programs

 Marketing Plan Ideas


Word of mouth through existing networks,

Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, and etc.,

Emails through existing list  (added to daily),

Connecting with local Church Pastors and Leaders,

Marketing events at local places of youth and teen gatherings,

Connecting with local school staff members for referrals,

Local para-church ministries,

Group meetings,

Annual events and traction over time

Potentially establish Christian Skaters US Chapter in Glynn County, and 

 Potentially establish Christian Surfers US Chapter in Glynn County.

A Testimony from Noah Johnson

 Writing this I never imagined my life would look the way it does now. More than three years ago I was attending a college here locally. I did not have any direction as to where I was going or what I wanted to do. I spent most my time looking for ways to go party and distract myself from the pain that I was experiencing within my heart. 

I met Doug through a guy at the college who he had been discipling at the time. He invited me to my first bible study that he and Doug were hosting.  It was there, after 18 years I finally was able to share with someone all that I had been through, and different things that up until that point, I had never shared with anyone.  I remember after that, I started meeting up with Doug and he introduced me to God’s word, and taught me how to read it.  For the first time in my life, things that I never thought I could move past: drugs, alcohol, porn, and many more different things, I started to be set free!  In a matter of a month, everything I listed off above, God had delivered me from!  At the time I did not fully understand what all God was doing in my heart, but I knew I wanted to be free!  When given the opportunity to have help, I took it!

I believe if it wasn’t for having someone who was willing to listen and help me understand what God says about Himself and me then, I would not have experienced so much freedom and be where I am at today! I am currently a part of Veritas Shapes Ministries full-time and seek to continue to grow in my relationship with God. In the same way that God helped me find freedom by finding Him, my heart is to be for others what He showed me - a son.  I want God to use my life to introduce others to this hope and freedom.  It's a new way of life for me!


There is a great opportunity here in Glynn County to reach a younger generation with the Gospel of the Kingdom. This demographic in the Golden Isles is growing. We have an urgent opportunity to get involved before a huge growth spurt takes place in these sports locally. It is with great excitement and urgency that we seek to meet the need to bring the Light of the Gospel into the culture of these sports. 

We greatly appreciate your prayers and support!

A Glimpse through Pictures

- Indoor photos of Facility building

- Ride Nature indoor Skatepark Photos

- FCA Skate group/Indoor Skatepark

- Local Skaters & VSM Staff/ Shaping bay

- Potential Shaping bay/ Past Surfboard project

- First Surf Camp/ Current Surf Camp

- Shaping bay Photos with Doug Pierce

- Potential Shop ideas

- Current Guys game night/ Bible study photos

- Current Guys game night/ Bible study photos